Personal Tech Help

Do you need help with WordPress, plugins, domain names, or web technology in general? Want to make a change to your site, tweak some settings, or add some new functionality?

I can probably help you. And if I can’t, I’ll tell you upfront and do my best to point you to someone who can.

Personal Consultations

If you would like personalized help with your website, my small-project rate (fondly known by my clients as a Unit of Wendy) is $199.

You can book a Unit of Wendy to spend up to two hours on the phone with me getting training, advice, and real-time tweaks, or send me a description of your issue and have me fix it for you on my own (for instance, if we’ve recently spoken during my Open Office Hour so I already know what your situation is).

Here are a few things that can (usually) be done with a single Unit of Wendy:

  • Move a WordPress website from one host to another
  • Switch a WordPress website from one domain name to another (and forward the old domain so anyone who links there will automagically end up on the correct page of the new domain)
  • Set up an SSL certificate so your site displays the “green padlock” secure icon to your visitors
  • Tune up your website by updating WordPress and all your plugins, installing a backup plugin, and setting up automatic backups
  • Troubleshoot a misbehaving contact form, widget, or plugin

What happens next?

When you click the button above, you’ll be taken to the Checkout page to complete your purchase. You can choose your quantity of Units of Wendy, and you can pay with a PayPal account or with a credit/debit card.

Got a question? Get in touch here.